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An Opportunity for Connection and Learning

Engaging the Rhythm of Regulation: A Polyvagal Theory Guided Approach to Therapy

Registration fees, less a $50 processing fee, are refundable if requested a minimum of 15 days prior to the event. Grievances must be submitted to us by email at

All grievances will be responded to within 14 days from submission date. 


This workshop is held in facilities which are in compliance with the Americans Disabilities Act. Please contact us directly if special accommodation is required.


There are no known conflicts of interests for this workshop. If there is a conflict of interest it should be stated in writing to


12 CE's are approved and provided through Certificates are awarded online after completion of the workshop.  Participants print their own certificate after registering at, entering a keycode, and completing an evaluation form. Licensed Professionals should contact their regulatory board to determine course approval.

Learning Objectives


  1. Analyze three organizing principles of Polyvagal Theory

  2. Develop an understanding of how the autonomic nervous system shapes behaviors and beliefs

  3. Determine ways neuroception shapes behavior 

  4. Construct an autonomic map to identify the emergent properties of states 

  5. Categorize the distinct stories that emerge from autonomic states

  6. Utilize tools to help regulate your own autonomic state to create an environment of safety for clients

  7. Apply polyvagal-informed processes to help clients move from dysregulation to regulation

  8. Apply strategies that utilize the co-regulating pathways of the Social Engagement System in clinical work to improve clinical outcomes 

  9. Assess for patterns in client autonomic states to inform treatment planning

  10. Evaluate the ethical responsibilities of being a polyvagal-informed therapist 


Note: This workshop is in the process of CE approval. CE's pending.


In-Person Workshop

Engaging the Rhythm of Regulation
A Polyvagal Theory Guided Approach to Therapy

Featuring Deborah A. Dana, LCSW

April 14-15, 2023
Salt Lake City, Utah


“End with the feeling and action that creates a ventral-inspired sentence.”

- Deb Dana

Learn More

About Polyvagal Theory

The autonomic nervous system is at the heart of daily living powerfully shaping our clients’ experiences of safety and influencing their capacity for connection.  In response to traumatic experiences, autonomic pathways of connection are replaced with patterns of protection.  With the development of Polyvagal Theory, therapists have a guide to the neurophysiological processes of mobilization, collapse, and social engagement and can reliably help clients reshape their autonomic responses and rewrite the stories that are carried in their autonomic pathways.


Polyvagal Theory, through the organizing principles of hierarchy, neuroception, and co-regulation, has revolutionized our understanding of how the autonomic nervous system works.  We now know that trauma interrupts the development of autonomic regulation and shapes the system away from connection into patterns of protection.  With an updated map of the autonomic circuits that underlie behaviors and beliefs, we can reliably lead our clients out of adaptive survival responses into the autonomically regulated state of safety that is necessary for successful treatment.  


A Polyvagal Theory guided approach to therapy begins with helping clients map their autonomic profiles and track their moment to moment movement along the autonomic hierarchy.  With this foundation, the essential clinical questions address how to help clients interrupt habitual response patterns and find safety in a state of engagement.  Polyvagal Theory gives therapists a guide to becoming a regulated and co-regulating resource and concrete ways to help clients find, and savor, experiences of safety.  Working from a foundation of Polyvagal Theory, therapists have practical ways to effectively help clients identify and interrupt their familiar response patterns and strategies to shape their autonomic nervous systems toward safety and connection.

Meet the Speaker

Deborah A. Dana, LCSW


Deb Dana, LCSW, is a clinician, consultant, author and speaker specializing in complex trauma. Her work is focused on using the lens of Polyvagal Theory to understand and resolve the impact of trauma in our lives.


Deb’s work shows how an understanding of Polyvagal Theory is applicable across the board to relationships, mental health, and trauma.  She delves into the intricacies of how we can all use an understanding of the organizing principles of Polyvagal Theory to change the ways we navigate our daily lives.  Deb is well known for translating PVT into a language and application that is both clear and accessible - and for her significant contribution, pioneering methods, tools, techniques and practices which continue to open up the power of PVT for professionals and curious people from diverse backgrounds and all walks of life.


Deb has a busy career training therapists around the world in how to bring a Polyvagal approach into their clinical practice, and also works with agencies and larger systems to explore how to incorporate a Polyvagal perspective.  She is founding member of The Polyvagal Institute, a consultant to Khiron Clinics, and an advisor to Unyte.


Deb believes that we all benefit when we have a basic understanding of the ways the nervous system works and learn how to become active operators of this essential system.  Following this passion has led her to offering workshops in partnership with groups and communities outside of the clinical arena - and bringing the Polyvagal perspective to the ordinary, and sometimes extraordinary, experiences of daily living. 

Don't miss this opportunity to learn from Deb this April!
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CE Classes is approved by:
  • The American Psychological Association (APA) is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

  • Florida Certification Board

  • The Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling Provider #852 BAP-Expires 3/31/2023

  • The California Board of Behavioral Sciences. The California Board of Behavioral Sciences, BBS, recognizes relevant course work/training that has been approved by nationally recognized certifying bodies, such as APA, to satisfy renewal requirements.

  • California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals (CCAPP) Provider Number OS-12-147-0223 Expires 02-2023

  • The Texas Board of Social Work Examiners – meets the requirements for acceptable continuing education

  • The Texas Board of Professional Counselors – meets the requirements for acceptable continuing education

  • Massachusetts Authorization Number: (TBD)

  • Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage and Family Therapist Board – Provider # RCST031201

  • New York Social Work Board – is recognized by the New York State EducationDepartment’s State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0120.

  • New York Mental Health Practitioners Board, Inc. is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed mental health counselors. #MHC-0260.

  • New York Psychology Board, Inc. is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Psychology as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychologists #PSY-0211

  • The Florida Board of Nursing (CE Provider #: 50-4896) Expires 10/31/2024 Do not send certificates to the Florida Board of Nursing. You must keep this certificate for 4 years.

  • The California Board of Registered Nursing. CEP 15647 Expires 11/30/2024.

  • This course is NOT available for NBCC credit

  • This training does not offer ASWB ACE credit to social workers.

  • Registration fees, less a $50 processing fee, are refundable if requested a minimum of 15 days prior to the event. Grievances must be submitted to us by email at

  • All grievances will be responded to within 14 days from submission date. 

  • This workshop is held in facilities which are in compliance with the Americans Disabilities Act. Please contact us directly if special accommodation is required.

  • 12 CE's are approved and provided through Certificates are awarded online after completion of the workshop.  Participants print their own certificate after registering at, entering a keycode, and completing an evaluation form. Licensed Professionals should contact their regulatory board to determine course approval.

    This advanced workshop is intended for licensed therapy, counseling, and psychotherapy professionals.

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